Connect AffiliateWP to Paid Memberships Pro
Triggers & actions
Get started
To make sure your start is as smooth as possible, please make sure the following plugins/services are in place:
To make sure you have everything you need, we prepared some neat links for you that assure a smooth start of using WP Webhooks.
Example scenarios

Integration summary
AffiliateWP is a WordPress plugin that allows website owners to create and manage an affiliate program on their WordPress website. Affiliates can then promote the website and earn a commission for each referral that results in a sale or lead. The plugin includes features such as automatic affiliate account creation, customizable affiliate registration forms, and integration with popular payment gateways.
Paid Memberships Pro
Paid Memberships Pro is a WordPress plugin that allows website administrators to easily create and manage membership levels and subscriptions on their WordPress website. It includes recurring payments, member management, and content dripping, allowing website administrators to selectively release content to members based on their membership level or subscription status.