Connect Forminator to Zapier

Did you know you can connect Forminator and Zapier to create completely automated workflows without any human interaction? This not only saves you time, but resources to focus on things that are really important to your business. This and much more is possible with our plugin WP Webhooks.

Triggers and actions

Create your first WordPress automation using Forminator by clicking on one of the available endpoints down below.

Get started

Use the help files and links down below to get started using WP Webhooks and get Forminator and Zapier connected in no time.


To use these integrations, please note that the following plugins/services are required:


To make your start as smooth as possible, we prepared various helpfiles for you that assure an easy start using WP Webhooks.

Possible scenarios

Down below are various examples on how you can use these two integrations in combination.
When a form was submitted via The Forminator Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Forminator, send data to the Zapier webhook app via The Zapier Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Zapier.

More details

For a better understanding of each the Forminator and the Zapier integration, please refer to the short descriptions down below.


Forminator is a WordPress plugin that allows users to create and manage forms on their WordPress website. It includes form templates, email notifications, and integration with popular email marketing and CRM tools. Forminator is suitable for a wide range of use cases, including lead generation, surveys, and polls, and can be easily customized to fit the specific needs of a business.


Zapier allows you to move information between services without the need for complex development costs. Create automated workflows within minutes.

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