Connect JetEngine to WordPress

Connecting JetEngine and WordPress together? Then you just found your perfect solution. WP Webhooks together not only helps you to be more efficient, but it also eliminates all human errors, which can cost your business a fortune. With WP Webhooks, we make sure you get the best possible solution to automate with WordPress.

Actions and triggers

Create your first WordPress automation using JetEngine by clicking on one of the available endpoints down below.
Triggers (Send Data) Actions (Receive Data)
The WordPress Logo for our integration Comment created The WordPress Logo for our integration Create comment
The WordPress Logo for our integration Comment deleted The WordPress Logo for our integration Create post
The WordPress Logo for our integration Comment trashed The WordPress Logo for our integration Create user
The WordPress Logo for our integration Comment updated The WordPress Logo for our integration Custom PHP action
The WordPress Logo for our integration Custom trigger called The WordPress Logo for our integration Delete comment
The WordPress Logo for our integration DEMO TEST TRIGGER The WordPress Logo for our integration Delete post
The WordPress Logo for our integration Email sent The WordPress Logo for our integration Delete user
The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Form submitted The WordPress Logo for our integration Get multiple posts
The WordPress Logo for our integration Post created The WordPress Logo for our integration Get multiple users
The WordPress Logo for our integration Post deleted The WordPress Logo for our integration Get post
The WordPress Logo for our integration Post trashed The WordPress Logo for our integration Get user
The WordPress Logo for our integration Post updated The WordPress Logo for our integration Send email
The WordPress Logo for our integration User created The WordPress Logo for our integration Set taxonomy term meta
The WordPress Logo for our integration User deleted The WordPress Logo for our integration Set taxonomy terms
The WordPress Logo for our integration Test action
The WordPress Logo for our integration User updated The WordPress Logo for our integration Trash comment
The WordPress Logo for our integration Hook apply_filters fired Pro The WordPress Logo for our integration Update comment
The WordPress Logo for our integration Hook do_action fired Pro The WordPress Logo for our integration Activate plugin Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration New site created Pro The WordPress Logo for our integration Call PHP function Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Plugin activated Pro The WordPress Logo for our integration Call apply_filters hook Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Plugin deactivated Pro The WordPress Logo for our integration Copy file Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Plugin deleted Pro The WordPress Logo for our integration Copy folder Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Shortcode called Pro The WordPress Logo for our integration Create URL attachment Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Taxonomy term created Pro The WordPress Logo for our integration Create base64 attachment Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Taxonomy term deleted Pro The WordPress Logo for our integration Create file Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Taxonomy term updated Pro The WordPress Logo for our integration Create folder Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration User logged out Pro The WordPress Logo for our integration Create path attachment Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration User password reset Pro The WordPress Logo for our integration Create taxonomy term Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress hook fired Pro The WordPress Logo for our integration Deactivate plugin Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Delete attachment Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Delete file Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Delete folder Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Delete taxonomy term Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Fire do_action hook Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Fire multiple webhooks Pro
The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Get active post relations Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Get taxonomy term Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Get taxonomy terms Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Install plugin Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Move file Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Move folder Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Multisite assign user Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Rename file or folder Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Send remote HTTP POST Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Uninstall plugin Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Update plugin Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Update post Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Update taxonomy term Pro
The WordPress Logo for our integration Update user Pro

Get started

Below you will various information and helpfiles that get you started on automating JetEngine with WordPress.


For this connection to work, please make sure the following plugins/services are in place:


To make your start as smooth as possible, we prepared various helpfiles for you that assure an easy start using WP Webhooks.

Connection examples

Down below you will find various examples on how you can use these two integrations in combination.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, send a remote HTTP request via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, rename a file or a folder via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, delete a file via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, update a taxonomy term via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, create a taxonomy term via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, uninstall a plugin via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, activate a plugin via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, update a user via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, add, update, or delete WP user meta via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, delete a folder via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, create a comment via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, call a apply_filters hook via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, deactivate a plugin via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, get a single taxonomy term via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, delete a post via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, create a post via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, create a folder via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, create an attachment from a server path via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, get or search for multiple users via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, create an attachment from a base64 string via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.
When a form was submitted via The JetEngine Logo for our WP Webhooks integration JetEngine, delete an attachment via The WordPress Logo for our integration WordPress.

More details

To learn more about the two integrations, we suggest taking a look at their individual descriptions down below.


JetEngine is a WordPress plugin that allows users to create custom post types and taxonomies and manage custom post type templates and meta boxes. It includes a drag-and-drop interface for creating custom post types and taxonomies, as well as a variety of pre-designed widgets and elements that can be used to display custom post-type content on the front end of a website. JetEngine is designed to make it easy for users to extend the functionality of their WordPress website and create a more customized and dynamic user experience.


WordPress is a free, open-source platform to create websites and blogs. It is used on more than 64 million sites and continuously grows. WP Webhooks is made for WordPress and offers amazing features right out of the box to save you time and resources. It will extend the CMS by WordPress webhooks.

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