Connect Zapier to GiveWP

Let the integrations Zapier and GiveWP talk to each other and create fully autonomous workflows, directly within your WordPress website. This allows you to focus your resources and time on tasks that are really important for your business.

All integration endpoints

To learn more about how to connect Zapier, simply click on one of the available triggers and actions down below.

Get started

Use the help files and links down below to get started using WP Webhooks and get Zapier and GiveWP connected in no time.


To take advantage of these integrations, please make sure the following plugins/services are installed and activated.


We offer various helpfiles to make sure your start is as smooth as possible. Down below you will see a list with selected articles that help you getting started in no time.

Scenario examples

Need some extra inspiration? Check out some of the usage examples for these integrations down below.
When a Zapier webhook request was received via The Zapier Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Zapier, create a donor via The GiveWP Logo for our WP Webhooks integration GiveWP.
When a Zapier webhook request was received via The Zapier Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Zapier, create a donor note via The GiveWP Logo for our WP Webhooks integration GiveWP.
When a Zapier webhook request was received via The Zapier Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Zapier, get the details of a donor via The GiveWP Logo for our WP Webhooks integration GiveWP.

Integration info

If you are keen to learn more about the integrations itself, we prepared two short descriptions down below.


Zapier allows you to move information between services without the need for complex development costs. Create automated workflows within minutes.


GiveWP is a WordPress plugin that allows website owners to accept donations on their websites. It includes features such as customizable donation forms, payment gateway integrations, and reporting tools to help organizations track and manage their fundraising efforts. GiveWP is suitable for non-profit organizations, churches, schools, and other charitable causes that want to accept donations online.

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