Connect Zapier to WP Webhooks

Are you looking for a way to connect Zapier and WP Webhooks together? Then you just found your perfect solution. WP Webhooks allows you to create fully automated workflows directly within your WordPress website so that you can focus on other parts of your business.

Avaialble triggers & actions

Connect the following triggers and actions based on your needs to create fully automated workflows using the Zapier integration. To learn more about a specific endpoint, simply click on it.

Get started

To get started with connecting Zapier with WP Webhooks, we preapared you further details down below. Those information will help you getting started in no time.


To make sure you can take full advantage of this integrations, you need the following plugins:


To make sure you have everything you need, we prepared some neat links for you that assure a smooth start of using WP Webhooks.

Connection examples

Down below are various examples on how you can use these two integrations in combination.
When a Zapier webhook request was received via The Zapier Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Zapier, fire a trigger via The WP Webhooks Logo for our WP Webhooks integration WP Webhooks.
When a Zapier webhook request was received via The Zapier Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Zapier, verify the signature of a trigger via The WP Webhooks Logo for our WP Webhooks integration WP Webhooks.
When a Zapier webhook request was received via The Zapier Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Zapier, fire a flow via The WP Webhooks Logo for our WP Webhooks integration WP Webhooks.

More info

To get a better understanding what each of the integrations is about, please take a look at the short descriptions down below.


Zapier allows you to move information between services without the need for complex development costs. Create automated workflows within minutes.

WP Webhooks

Create highly optimized automations, direct webhook connections or simply let external services talk with your website. WP Webhooks focusses on fully automating your website to get rid of human interactions and errors while saving resources and money.

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