Control plugin translations wpmt/helpers/control_translations Description: This filter runs every time a string wants to be translated. If set to false, the translation is...
Control admin notices wpmt/helpers/throw_admin_notice Description: This filter runs every time a new admin notice gets created using WP Mailto Links. Parameter Type Description...
Manipulate WordPress filters wpmt/frontend/wordpress_filters Description: This filter runs if you have activated the protection using only WordPress filters. It allows you to add...
Filter Protected Mailto Links wpml_mailto Description: This filter allows you to filter protected mailto links. Parameter Type Description $link string The link you are...
Filter Available Settings wpmt/settings/fields Description: Filter the available settings fields. You can add your own settings using our settings api. Parameter Type Description...
Filter Default Admin Capability wpmt/settings/capability Description: Thsi filter allows you to manipulate the default admin capability. You can also filter it based on the...
Filter Plugin Page Name wpmt/settings/page_name Description: Thsi filter allows you to change the page name that is used for the admin menu page. Parameter...
Filter Plugin Page Title wpmt/settings/page_title Description: Thsi filter allows you to change the page title. Parameter Type Description $this->page_title string The page title return...
Filter Plugin Version wpmt/settings/get_version Description: This filter allows you to change the plugin version. It’s not recommended to use this filter, but it...
Filter Email Regular Expression wpmt/settings/get_email_regex Description: This filter allows you to filter the regular expression that we use for filtering the emal addresses. Parameter...