This plugin extends the possibilities of WP Webhooks Pro by initializing a new functionality called Code Trigger. A Code Trigger is a piece of code (created via webhooks) that runs every time WordPress is called.
This enables you to create a piece of code on your system that runs everytime someone interacts with your websites, calls an api or a webhook.
You will be able to setup code that is always available, even when your webhook is not making any calls at the moment. To top that, you are also able to manage these Code Triggers via webhooks.
Also, we added another security feature that checks your code for possible php errors before taking it live. This way, you won't run into 500 errors anymore.

Please note: This is an advanced extension. Please use it only if you know what you are doing.

For a full list of features, please check out the list down below:


  • Create and delete Code Triggers
  • Activate and deactivate Code Triggers
  • Automatically test the Code Trigger for errors before activating it
  • Custom Code Trigger tab in main plugin for overviewing installed Code Triggers
  • Optimized for Developers
  • Fully webhook based