The Advanced Coupons Logo for our WP Webhooks integration

Advanced Coupons integration

Let Advanced Coupons and other apps and services exchange information instantly.

Connect Advanced Coupons to other integrations

"Advanced Coupons" workflow examples

When a plugin was activated The WordPress Logo for our integration, add credit to a user via The Advanced Coupons Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Advanced Coupons.
When a product was created The Woocommerce Logo for our integration, remove credit from a user via The Advanced Coupons Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Advanced Coupons, and lastly RSVP an event via The Event Tickets Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Event Tickets.
When a product was purchased The SureCart Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, add credit to a user via The Advanced Coupons Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Advanced Coupons.
When a post was trashed The WordPress Logo for our integration, add credit to a user via The Advanced Coupons Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Advanced Coupons.
When one or multiple contact tags have been removed The Autonami Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, add credit to a user via The Advanced Coupons Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Advanced Coupons.
When a customer was updated The Woocommerce Logo for our integration, add credit to a user via The Advanced Coupons Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Advanced Coupons.

About Advanced Coupons

The “Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce” WordPress plugin is a tool that allows online store owners to easily create, manage, and track the effectiveness of coupons on their WooCommerce website. This plugin provides advanced features such as the ability to set expiration dates, usage limits, and product restrictions for coupons, as well as the option to create and schedule automatic discounts.
Visit Advanced Coupons
Full disclosure: When clicking on some of the links on our website and purchasing the related product and/or service, we may earn a commission free of any additional cost for you.