Connect Elementor Pro and Webhooks
To learn more about the
"Form submitted" trigger of the
Elementor Pro integration,
or the
Webhooks integration,
simply click on the image below.
Supported triggers & actions for Elementor Pro + Webhooks
How to connect Elementor Pro + Webhooks
Get Elementor Pro
You need access to Elementor Pro to use it as a trigger.
Make sure Webhooks is are set up and available.
Install WP Webhooks
Make sure that WP Webhooks is installed and activated on your WordPress website.
Get WP Webhooks Automator
Create your automation workflow
Create a new automation workflow using Elementor Pro +

About Elementor Pro
Elementor is a WordPress plugin that allows users to create custom, professional-looking websites using a drag-and-drop page builder. It includes a wide range of design elements, templates, and widgets that can be easily added to pages and posts, making it easy for users to create visually appealing websites without needing to know how to code. Elementor is a popular choice for users who want to create custom, responsive websites without relying on a developer.
Learn more about the Elementor Pro integration
About Webhooks
The webhook integration contains further endpoints that have been specifically designed to integrate with other third-party services that support the standard webhook functionality.
Learn more about the Webhooks integration