The GiveWP Logo for our WP Webhooks integration

Donation abandoned trigger

Fires once a donation was abandoned within GiveWP.

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Predefined filters

"Donation abandoned" workflow examples

When a donation was abandoned The GiveWP Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, clear the full cache via The WP Super Cache Logo for our WP Webhooks integration WP Super Cache.
When a donation was abandoned The GiveWP Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, unenroll a user from one or multiple courses via The WP Courseware Logo for our WP Webhooks integration WP Courseware.
When a donation was abandoned The GiveWP Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, send data to a IFTTT webhook via The IFTTT Logo for our WP Webhooks integration IFTTT.
When a donation was abandoned The GiveWP Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, flush the cache for one, multiple, or all posts via The W3 Total Cache Logo for our WP Webhooks integration W3 Total Cache.
When a donation was abandoned The GiveWP Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, add one or multiple emails via user IDs to a coupon via The Woocommerce Logo for our integration WooCommerce.
When a donation was abandoned The GiveWP Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, find an email via The Logo for our WP Webhooks integration
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