Connect Groundhogg and Zapier
To learn more about the
"Contact tag added" trigger of the
Groundhogg integration,
or the
Zapier integration,
simply click on the image below.
Supported triggers & actions for Groundhogg + Zapier
How to connect Groundhogg + Zapier
Get Groundhogg
You need access to Groundhogg to use it as a trigger.
Make sure Zapier is are set up and available.
Install WP Webhooks
Make sure that WP Webhooks is installed and activated on your WordPress website.
Get WP Webhooks Automator
Create your automation workflow
Create a new automation workflow using Groundhogg +

About Groundhogg
Groundhogg is a WordPress plugin that provides marketing automation tools for businesses using WordPress. It includes features such as email marketing, lead generation, customer relationship management, and integration with popular WordPress plugins such as WooCommerce and Gravity Forms. Groundhogg aims to help businesses automate their marketing processes and improve customer relationships, increasing sales and revenue.
Learn more about the Groundhogg integration

About Zapier
Zapier allows you to move information between services without the need for complex development costs. Create automated workflows within minutes.
Learn more about the Zapier integration