Connect WooCommerce Memberships and AffiliateWP
To learn more about the
"Membership cancelled" trigger of the
WooCommerce Memberships integration,
or the
AffiliateWP integration,
simply click on the image below.
Supported triggers & actions for WooCommerce Memberships + AffiliateWP
Actions & Triggers
Membership cancelled
Triggers when a membership was cancelled within WooCommerce Memberships.
Membership pending cancellation
Triggers when a membership was set to pending cancellation within WooCommerce Memberships.
Remove user memberships
Triggers when remove one or multiple user memberships within WooCommerce Memberships.
How to connect WooCommerce Memberships + AffiliateWP
Get WooCommerce Memberships
You need access to WooCommerce Memberships to use it as a trigger.
Make sure AffiliateWP is are set up and available.
Install WP Webhooks
Make sure that WP Webhooks is installed and activated on your WordPress website.
Get WP Webhooks Automator
Create your automation workflow
Create a new automation workflow using WooCommerce Memberships +
About WooCommerce Memberships
WooCommerce turns your website into a paid membership or club site that allows you to control the access of content for specific members only.
Learn more about the WooCommerce Memberships integration
About AffiliateWP
AffiliateWP is a WordPress plugin that allows website owners to create and manage an affiliate program on their WordPress website. Affiliates can then promote the website and earn a commission for each referral that results in a sale or lead. The plugin includes features such as automatic affiliate account creation, customizable affiliate registration forms, and integration with popular payment gateways.
Learn more about the AffiliateWP integration