Connect WP Webhooks and Tutor LMS
To learn more about the
"Action fired" trigger of the
WP Webhooks integration,
or the
Tutor LMS integration,
simply click on the image below.
Supported triggers & actions for WP Webhooks + Tutor LMS
Actions & Triggers
Action URL request received
Triggers when an action URL request was received within WP Webhooks.
How to connect WP Webhooks + Tutor LMS
Get WP Webhooks
You need access to WP Webhooks to use it as a trigger.
Tutor LMS
Make sure Tutor LMS is are set up and available.
Install WP Webhooks
Make sure that WP Webhooks is installed and activated on your WordPress website.
Get WP Webhooks Automator
Create your automation workflow
Create a new automation workflow using WP Webhooks +
Tutor LMS.
About WP Webhooks
Create highly optimized automations, direct webhook connections or simply let external services talk with your website. WP Webhooks focusses on fully automating your website to get rid of human interactions and errors while saving resources and money.
Learn more about the WP Webhooks integration
About Tutor LMS
The Tutor LMS WordPress plugin is a powerful learning management system that allows users to create and manage online courses on their WordPress website. It features a range of tools and features, including course creation and management, student enrollment and tracking, and course grading and reporting.
Learn more about the Tutor LMS integration