The WP Foro Logo for our WP Webhooks integration

wpForo integration

Let wpForo and other apps and services exchange information instantly.

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"wpForo" workflow examples

When an account information was updated The Ultimate Member Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, add a user to a group via The WP Foro Logo for our WP Webhooks integration wpForo.
When a membership was set to pending cancellation The WooCommerce Memberships Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, set the reputation for a user via The WP Foro Logo for our WP Webhooks integration wpForo.
When a license was deactivated The Easy Digital Downloads Logo for our integration, set the reputation for a user via The WP Foro Logo for our WP Webhooks integration wpForo.
When a form was submitted The JetFormBuilder Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, set the reputation for a user via The WP Foro Logo for our WP Webhooks integration wpForo.
When a topic was created The WP Foro Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, add, update, or delete ACF post meta via The Advanced Custom Fields Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Advanced Custom Fields.
When an order was completed The Studiocart Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, set the reputation for a user via The WP Foro Logo for our WP Webhooks integration wpForo.

About wpForo

The “wpForo Forum” WordPress plugin is a tool that allows website administrators to easily add a forum to their WordPress site. This plugin offers a range of features for managing and moderating a forum, including the ability to create forums, sub-forums, and topics; assign permissions and roles to users; and customize the appearance of the forum with themes and styles. The plugin also includes features for managing spam and handling user reports.
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