Efficient plans, trusted by 10,000+ business owners.
Made for freelancers, solopreneurs, and non-profits.
Supports 1 site
Unlimited Automations
Unlimited webhooks
Unlimited triggers & actions
Delay & Scheduler
Logs & Data Mapping
Data Manipulation
IP Whitelist
100+ integrations
Unlimited plugin updates
Perfect if you're using multiple environments or websites.
Everything in the “Starter” plus...
Supports 10 sites
Priority support
Great if you do client work and need a large number of license slots.
Everything in “Business” plus...
Supports 75 sites
Early release access
Priority for integration requests
On-page support
Not convinced?
The best way to show you the impact of automation is by giving you a real example. We built a calculator that displays you the difference between you doing your tasks manually in comparison to automating it via WP Webhooks.
What people are saying
Get a glimpse of what people have to say about our plugin.
“I have been using WP Webhooks for over 2 years now, and I can say without hesitation that it has made my life easier as WordPress developer. This plugin has been helping me creating integrations in between separate websites for both personal and client works.”
“I am so happy that I found WP Webhooks Pro. Thanks to this cool plugin, I can get rid of my membership plugins and confidently link my online course platform with my payment provider”
“WP Webhooks Pro is a very powerful plugin that allows you to virtually create any customization with WordPress. I have used it with the Zapier Integration and it works flawlessly. For users seeking automation within their WordPress website, this is the plugin for it. It's reliable and not half-baked like so many plugins out there.”
“You will be hardpressed to come across any other WordPress plugin that can deliver the professional quality that this plugin offers along with the excellent technical support. You will see what I am talking about!”
“wish I could rate this 10 stars! Tried most “automator” and “webhooks” plugins, bought the “pro” versions of many of them. Some have a nice UI (this one excels in that), others have a less intuitive UI. But all the other plugins I’ve tried are simply unidirectional, you just send the data and hope for the best.”
“HUGE fan. I’ve been using for years now. It’s really endlessly useful for connecting your wordpress site to other automations. Everything is very learnable even for me, a TERRIBLE/always new coder. Also their support is WONDERFUL. They’re so fast, so kind, so down to earth.”