Create User On Update wpwhpro/run/create_action_user_on_update Description: This filter allows you to create a user on an update if it doesnt exist. Setup a filter...
Create Dynamic Username wpwhpro/run/create_action_user_login Description: This filter allows you to actiavte the functionality of creating a random username if the user_login is not...
Create User Email Notification wpwhpro/run/create_action_user_email_notification Description: This filter allows you to deactivate the email notifications for new users. The emails get sent by default...
Filter Delayed Triggers wpwhpro/post_delay/post_delay_triggers Description: This filter allows you manipulate the delayed webhooks that have been registered with an instance of WordPress. This...
Filter Data Mapping Template Settings wpwhpro/settings/data_mapping_template_settings Description: This filter allows you to manipulate the default template settings. Parameter Type Description $fields array Contains all default...
Filter Data Mapping Key Settings wpwhpro/settings/data_mapping_key_settings Description: This filter allows you to manipulate the settings that are applied to each mapping key or value. Parameter...
Filter Create Download On Update wpwhpro/run/create_action_edd_download_on_update Description: This filter allows you to manually control the possibility of creating a download on an update. Please note...
Filter Payment Purchase Data wpwh/actions/edd_create_payment/purchase_data Description: This filter allows you to filter the purchase data before we actually create the purchase payment. Parameter Type...
Filter Create Discount Data wpwh/actions/edd_create_discount/filter_discount_arguments Description: This filter allows you to filter discount arguments before we are creating the discount. Parameter Type Description $discount_args...
Filter Update Discount Data wpwh/actions/edd_create_discount/filter_discount_arguments Description: This filter allows you to filter discount arguments before we are updating the given discount. Parameter Type Description...