Our story.
Long before WP Webhooks, we have been creating solutions for people's problems with their WordPress websites, and that's no wonder as the market is huge and everyone needs that tiny little nuance to make their website better.
While we constantly saw a similar need for a better integration of WordPress-related, and third-party services, we went on a mission to create a plugin that can do it all: WP Webhooks.
Initially, we created WP Webhooks for our own needs, but quickly realized that other people would benefit massively fro it as well, and so we made it public.
Since then, our amazing community is shaping WP Webhooks, making it better day by day.
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Meet the founder.

Jannis is a serial entrepreneur in the automation industry. He's the creator of the automation plugin WP Webhooks, PluginPlate, as well as WP Email Encoder, and has a certification as a WordPress Expert Developer.
His deep understanding of automation helped thousands of people to use their time and resources more efficiently.