The WP User Manager Logo for our WP Webhooks integration

WP User Manager integration

Let WP User Manager and other apps and services exchange information instantly.

Connect WP User Manager to other integrations

"WP User Manager" workflow examples

When a user password was recovered The WP User Manager Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, remove credit from a user via The Advanced Coupons Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Advanced Coupons.
When a user logged in The WP User Manager Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, remove one or multiple tags from a user via The Groundhogg Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Groundhogg.
When a user password was changed The WP User Manager Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, delete a payment via The Easy Digital Downloads Logo for our integration Easy Digital Downloads.
When a user was updated The WP User Manager Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, reset WordPress via The WP Reset Logo for our integration WP Reset.
When a user password was recovered The WP User Manager Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, create a Woocommerce order via The Woocommerce Logo for our integration WooCommerce.
When a user logged in The WP User Manager Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, create a shortcode via The Shortcoder Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Shortcoder.

About WP User Manager

WP User Manager is a highly customizable user management plugin for WordPress. It allows you to create dynamic registration forms, logins, account customization, and much more.
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