The Jetpack CRM Logo for our WP Webhooks integration

Jetpack CRM integration

Let Jetpack CRM and other apps and services exchange information instantly.

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"Jetpack CRM" workflow examples

When a form was submitted The WPForms Logo for our integration, create a contact via The Jetpack CRM Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Jetpack CRM, and lastly assign one or multiple tags to a contact via The Jetpack CRM Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Jetpack CRM.
When a quote was created The Jetpack CRM Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, get the URL of a PDF via The Gravity PDF Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Gravity PDF.
When a quote was deleted The Jetpack CRM Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, Delete a contact via The Jetpack CRM Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Jetpack CRM.
When a transaction was deleted The Jetpack CRM Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, verify the validity of an email via The Bounceless Logo for our WP Webhooks integration Bounceless.
When a quote was created The Jetpack CRM Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, remove course access from a user via The LearnDash Logo for our WP Webhooks integration LearnDash.
When a transaction was deleted The Jetpack CRM Logo for our WP Webhooks integration, run one or multiple SQL queries via The SQL Logo for our WP Webhooks integration SQL.

About Jetpack CRM

Jetpack CRM is a WordPress plugin that allows users to manage customer relationships and automate marketing and sales processes on their WordPress website. It includes lead capture forms, email marketing integrations, and a customizable CRM database to help businesses streamline their customer management and sales funnel. The plugin is specifically designed for entrepreneurs and small businesses and aims to provide an easy-to-use and affordable CRM solution within the WordPress platform.
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