Supported triggers & actions for bbPress + Bitly
How to connect bbPress + Bitly
Get bbPress
You need access to bbPress to use it as a trigger.
Make sure Bitly is are set up and available.
Install WP Webhooks
Make sure that WP Webhooks is installed and activated on your WordPress website.
Get WP Webhooks Automator
Create your automation workflow
Create a new automation workflow using bbPress +

About bbPress
bbPress is a WordPress plugin allowing website owners to add a forum to their website. It is lightweight and easy to use, making it a popular choice for website owners who want to add a discussion forum to their sites. bbPress includes features such as support for multiple forums, user moderation, and email notifications, and it can be easily integrated with popular WordPress plugins such as BuddyPress and WordPress Multisite.
Learn more about the bbPress integration
About Bitly
Bitly is a URL shortening and link management platform that allows users to shorten and customize long URLs, track clicks, and monitor analytics in real-time. It is a powerful tool for businesses and individuals looking to improve their online presence and track the performance of their links.
Learn more about the Bitly integration