Connect IFTTT and Comet Cache
To learn more about the
"IFTTT webhook request received" trigger of the
IFTTT integration,
or the
Comet Cache integration,
simply click on the image below.
Supported triggers & actions for IFTTT + Comet Cache
Actions & Triggers

IFTTT webhook request received
Triggers when a IFTTT webhook request was received within IFTTT.
How to connect IFTTT + Comet Cache
You need access to IFTTT to use it as a trigger.
Comet Cache
Make sure Comet Cache is are set up and available.
Install WP Webhooks
Make sure that WP Webhooks is installed and activated on your WordPress website.
Get WP Webhooks Automator
Create your automation workflow
Create a new automation workflow using IFTTT +
Comet Cache.

IFTTT (short for "If This Then That") is a web-based service that allows users to create simple "recipes" that specify a trigger (this) and an action (that) to be taken when the trigger occurs. These recipes, also known as "applets," can be used to automate tasks and connect various web services, devices, and apps. For example, a user could create an applet that automatically turns off their smart lights when they leave their home or sends them a notification if it starts raining in their location. IFTTT is a versatile tool that can be used to streamline workflows and automate tasks in many different ways.
Learn more about the IFTTT integration

About Comet Cache
Comet Cache is a WordPress plugin that speeds up the loading time of a WordPress website by creating static HTML versions of pages and posts and storing them in a cache. When a visitor requests a page, the plugin serves the static HTML version instead of dynamically generating the content, which can significantly reduce the page's loading time. The plugin includes options for automatic cache clearing, GZIP compression, and integration with content delivery networks (CDN). Comet Cache can improve its performance, user experience, and search engine rankings by optimizing the loading time of a website.
Learn more about the Comet Cache integration