Connect SureCart and Emailable
To learn more about the
"Product purchased" trigger of the
SureCart integration,
or the
Emailable integration,
simply click on the image below.
Supported triggers & actions for SureCart + Emailable
How to connect SureCart + Emailable
Get SureCart
You need access to SureCart to use it as a trigger.
Make sure Emailable is are set up and available.
Install WP Webhooks
Make sure that WP Webhooks is installed and activated on your WordPress website.
Get WP Webhooks Automator
Create your automation workflow
Create a new automation workflow using SureCart +
About SureCart
The SureCart WordPress plugin is a powerful e-commerce solution that allows users to easily create and manage an online store on their WordPress website. It offers a range of features, including payment gateways, customizable shipping options, and the ability to manage orders and customer information.
Learn more about the SureCart integration
About Emailable is an email verification service that allows businesses to verify the accuracy and deliverability of their email addresses. The platform uses advanced algorithms to detect invalid, inactive, and risky email addresses, helping companies to reduce bounce rates and improve email marketing campaigns.
Learn more about the Emailable integration